A Journey of Thanks

This blog follows my personal journey of thanks. On Dec. 5, 2007, I turn 30. Over the next year, I will reflect back on my life and personally thank all those individuals who made a difference in my life. These thanks will occur through hand written thank you notes and face-to-face encounters. Along my journey, I will interview today's top experts on gratitude and capture my experience through a personal video journal. The end result is a documentary film called "A Journey of Thanks."

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Location: Fargo, North Dakota

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Action Steps

Every morning when I wake becomes a new day on my journey of thanks...along this journey I've established a checklist of the things I'm committed to doing. To include you on this journey and to give you the steps you may choose to take on yourself I've included my plan here.

Everyday consists of the following:

1) "Thanks in Advance" - In the morning, I write 5 things I'm grateful for about this day in advance of them happening. This is what I'm calling "Thanks in Advance." There are examples of this in my previous posts. Be happy and grateful for the things that will occur in your day...and you'll start to see that the act of doing this step actually creates the experience.

2) "The Video Journal Entry" - Since I'm documenting this process for a film, I also record video messages everyday. These can be insights from the journey or moments I feel are worth capturing. And believe me having a 3 year old will create a lot of moments worth capturing.

3) "Writing my Thank Yous" - I also write at least one thank you note a day. This journey is about thanking all the people who have made a difference in my life. 30 years worth of people...1 year to do it...I better get busy!

4) "End of Day Thanks" - At the end of each day, I give thanks for 5 things that occurred during my day. It's a way to conclude the day with thanks.

Now to be truthful, I haven't done every item everyday, but I do commit to making sure that at least one of the four items are done each day. However, I will say that some of my most inspiring days so far have been the days where I've done all four things!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like this concept. I think I'll try it.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Troy Parkinson said...

Let me know how it goes!

7:37 AM  

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