A Journey of Thanks

This blog follows my personal journey of thanks. On Dec. 5, 2007, I turn 30. Over the next year, I will reflect back on my life and personally thank all those individuals who made a difference in my life. These thanks will occur through hand written thank you notes and face-to-face encounters. Along my journey, I will interview today's top experts on gratitude and capture my experience through a personal video journal. The end result is a documentary film called "A Journey of Thanks."

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Location: Fargo, North Dakota

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today I'm thankful for community. I'm very clear that the magic and miracles in life occur through sharing with others and connected with their spirits. We attend a Course in Miracles group here in Fargo and the insight and wisdom from that text is incredible. I love our group and I love being connected to such like minded people. So today as I prepare for my day, I'm thankful for community. Now let's see what shows up in this space of gratitude.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Thank Yous at the Oscars

Well, last night was the Oscars and all the stars were out to celebrate! There were many things I enjoyed about the evening...in fact, I've always loved watching the program. But last night gratitude was flowing and there were two "thank you" moments that stood out which I thought I'd reference.

1) During Ellen's interview with Barbara Walters she was asked if she could say anything to God what would she say? And her response was, "Thank You." Ellen went on to say how grateful she was for her life, etc.

2) The addition of the "Thank You Cam" a backstage camera that streamed the winner's thank yous. You can check them out here.

I fun evening, a historic night and an evening FULL of thanks!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I'm not alone!

On this journey I've seen miracles occur and then I've gone weeks without "seeing" anything. I guess it's not that I didn't see anything, it's just that I didn't write them down. I'm so clear that when one does not stop to give thanks and really become present to the miracles of the moment life passes by and the drama, weight, fear and anxiety creeps back in. And why? Because it maybe easier. It's easier to go with fear because that is what we know...but in the face of fear is where courage lives. So for today...I choose to live in courage. I'm so happy and grateful now that I have the morning off to write this, that I was able to see my son off to school and that I'll be having our friend Annette come over to dowse our house.