A Journey of Thanks

This blog follows my personal journey of thanks. On Dec. 5, 2007, I turn 30. Over the next year, I will reflect back on my life and personally thank all those individuals who made a difference in my life. These thanks will occur through hand written thank you notes and face-to-face encounters. Along my journey, I will interview today's top experts on gratitude and capture my experience through a personal video journal. The end result is a documentary film called "A Journey of Thanks."

My Photo
Location: Fargo, North Dakota

Friday, August 03, 2007

My Boy's Birthday

Four years ago today my son was born. As I reflect back on that precious moment in time I have nothing but gratitude in my heart. Jake is such a little man now it floors me. This morning Chanda and I sang happy birthday to him and when we were done he said "Thank You." And I could have sworn he was 40 not 4.

There are new developments coming on this Journey of Thanks. Stay tuned for a focused three months coming this September!

Happy Birthday, Jacob!